Naše podjetje je zanesljiv partner pri izdelavi visokokakovostnih CNC obdelovalnih delov, ki so posebej izdelani za izpolnjevanje zahtev sodobnih kompleksnih inženirskih modelov. Zlasti naše napredne storitve CNC obdelave zagotavljajo zelo visoko stopnjo natančnosti in ponovljivosti, zaradi česar so primerne za industrije, kot so vesoljska industrija, avtomobilska, medicinska in industrijska proizvodnja. NaSLD natančnost, we use state-of-the-art CNC machinery to produce parts with tight tolerances and excellent surface finishes that are engineered by skilled engineers. Every part is manufactured to your exact specifications using our exceptional Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machining abilities regardless of whether it requires delicate intricacies or is intended for heavy duty applications.
SLD Precision lahko dela z različnimi materiali, vključno z aluminijem, nerjavečim jeklom, titanom in visoko zmogljivimi plastikami, tako da ustvari CNC obdelane po meriIzdelkov based on individual needs. For instance, dimensional accuracy checks as well as surface finish evaluations are some of the quality control methods that all these components go through just to make sure that they meet both the quality and performance standards required of them. Consequently, should you require reliable and efficient products then you can always count on us when it comes to choosing CNC-machined parts.
SLD natančnost makes dependable CNC machining components for industrial and commercial use. Our CNC machining services focus on producing high precision and consistent Izdelkov needed in various industries. In creating parts with complex features and tight allowances required for a variety of applications like manufacturing equipment, electronics and automobiles, we use cutting-edge CNC technology. We take pride in our workmanship and our customers’ approval ratings hence each part is meticulously crafted to ensure that it works well and lasts long.
Za vaše potrebe po CNC natančni obdelavi delov se lahko zaneseteSLD natančnost that offers a vast range of components under one roof. Our cutting-edge CNC machinery is tuned to handle intricate machining operations and yield Izdelkov with precise dimensions and exceptional finishes. We consult with customers regarding their orders before manufacturing customized items conforming to their requirements. Regardless of the specific type of application – from producing single samples to large scale production, we have a variety of CNC services suitable for different materials. This is the spirit behind what we do at SLD Precision; we are committed to giving you exactly what you need in terms of functionality and value addition for your project.
Natančne komponente, izdelane s SLD CNC obdelavo, so koristne za visoko zmogljivost na različnih področjih. Naše storitve CNC obdelave proizvajajo zelo natančne in trpežne dele, ki jih je mogoče uporabljati v težkih okoljih. Za izdelavo uporabljamo najsodobnejšo tehnologijoIzdelkov with complex designs and tight tolerances, therefore ensuring their optimal operation. In the world of CNC machining, we have experience enough to do complicated projects and deliver product, which meets quality standards. This may involve industrial machinery among others, for instance; SLD natančnost will supply you with reliable options where your products can work efficiently and serve you longer.
SLD natančnost primarily focuses on creating high quality CNC machining parts for a wide range of industries. We have advanced and precise CNC technologies that ensure reliability in all our Izdelkov. The end result is accurate and consistent parts whether the parts are designed for aerospace, automotive or medical sectors. By employing sophisticated equipment along with process, experts use tight geometric tolerances at SLD Precision. At SLD Precision, we assure you that your CNC machined components will be delivered to you within the stipulated time frame as we strive to adhere to quality standards and efficiency. Familiarize yourself with our comprehensive solutions towards CNC machining parts that make a difference in your project.
ShenzhenSLD natančnost Hardware Co.,Ltd was founded in 2018, We are specialized in cnc machining services and Sheet metal fabrication,CNC Parts,CNC Machining,Laser Cutting Service,Injection moldingOur company's advantage is that MOQ is 1 pcs and competitive price and fast delivery, We have YVM, Altitude, Rockwell hardness tester, Caliper, Roughness tester equipment to strictly control the product quality, In order to make sure the critical dimensions, we import our machines from the Germany and Japan. The minimum tolerance we can make is 0.01 millimeter.
V skladu s poslovnim načelom vzajemne koristi smo imeli zanesljiv ugled med našimi strankami zaradi naših strokovnih storitev, kakovostiIzdelkov and competitive prices. We have already built good business relationships with our customers in the United States, England, France, Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Hungary, Australia, Poland and Switzerland.
Toplo pozdravljamo stranke doma in tujino, da skupaj vzpostavijo sodelovanje in skupaj ustvarijo svetlo prihodnost.
Visoko natančna obdelava kompleksnih komponent.
Uporablja najsodobnejše CNC stroje za vrhunsko zmogljivost.
Prilagojene rešitve za specifične potrebe strank.
Strogo testiranje zagotavlja zanesljivost in vzdržljivost.
Racionalizirani procesi skrajšajo dobavne roke in stroške.
V SLD Precision ponujamo CNC obdelovalne dele za najrazličnejše industrije, vključno z avtomobilsko, vesoljsko, medicinskimi pripomočki, elektroniko in industrijsko opremo. Naše vsestranske zmogljivosti nam omogočajo, da poskrbimo za posebne potrebe teh sektorjev in zagotovimo, da vsak del izpolnjuje natančne zahteve aplikacije.
SLD Precision je opremljen za ravnanje s CNC obdelovalnimi deli s kompleksnimi geometrijami. Naši napredni CNC stroji in usposobljena ekipa nam omogočajo izdelavo zapletenih komponent z natančnimi dimenzijami in tesnimi tolerancami. Če imate posebne zahteve glede oblikovanja, lahko sodelujemo z vami, da ocenimo izvedljivost in proizvodne možnosti.
Če želite pridobiti ponudbo za CNC obdelovalne dele pri SLD Precision, nam lahko posredujete podrobne specifikacije, vključno z vrsto materiala, dimenzijami, tolerancami in vsemi posebnimi zahtevami. Naša ekipa bo pregledala vaše podatke in vam zagotovila prilagojeno ponudbo glede na kompleksnost dela in potrebno količino.
SLD Precision deluje z različnimi materiali za CNC obdelavo delov, vključno s kovinami, kot so aluminij, nerjaveče jeklo, titan in medenina, ter inženirsko plastiko, kot so POM, najlon in polikarbonat. Lahko vam pomagamo izbrati najboljši material za vašo aplikacijo na podlagi dejavnikov, kot so trdnost, vzdržljivost in stroški.
Kakovost CNC obdelanih delov v SLD Precision zagotavljamo s strogimi postopki kontrole kakovosti. Ti vključujejo preverjanje dimenzij, preglede površinske obdelave in preverjanje materiala. Naša ekipa za nadzor kakovosti uporablja napredna merilna orodja, da zagotovi, da vsak del izpolnjuje določene tolerance in standarde kakovosti.