SLD preciznost prides itself in being a leading supplier of CNC tokarenje parts that are made with the highest levels of accuracy and dependability. We have contemporary CNC turning services that accommodate a range of industries, where each part is made with precision. Thus, regardless if you work in automotive, aerospace or medicine sectors; our past excellence guarantees your project to benefit from rich practice.
To nam daje priliku da u kratkom vremenu pretvorimo vaše dizajne u potpuno funkcionalne dijelove za proizvodnju.
Osim izvanrednih CNC funkcija tokarenja, SLD Precision nudi niz proizvodnih usluga kao što suCNC glodanje, plastic injection molding and sheet metal fabrication. Our dedication to innovation and sustainability can be observed in our green initiatives like use of recyclable materials and efficient cooling systems.
Uspješno smo proizveli više od 10 milijuna dijelova za klijente diljem svijeta tijekom našeg 16-godišnjeg iskustva u partnerstvu s našom tvorničkom površinom koja se prostire na 2800 četvornih metara. Cijene koje nudimo za projekte u stvarnom vremenu zajedno s brzim strojevima osiguravaju da se vaši prototipovi ili komponente proizvode s velikom preciznošću. Za kvalitetnu proizvodnju SLD Precision ostaje predan biti partner u isporuci precizne izrade koju zahtijevaju vaši zadaci.
SLD preciznost manufactures high-quality CNC tokarenje parts for a wide variety of industries. With our computer-driven advanced machinery for the CNC turning process, we can make accurate and high-quality precision parts. SLD Precision meets stringent quality requirements in supplying you with prototypes or bulk production. We have expertise in the production of CNC turning parts for applications such as automotive, aerospace, medical and industrial sectors. Our modern facilities and skilled technicians ensure that all components are consistent, capable of continuous performance and are resistant to wear. By working with different materials including stainless steel, aluminum, brass and titanium, we can meet your exact requirements. SLD Precision is committed to manufacturing CNC turning parts which fit tightly into your assembly through tight tolerances on each part. This guarantees that your Prerađevina will always function at their best because of our dedication to accuracy and innovation.
SLD preciznost is a company that makes small, high precision turned parts for medical devices. Quality control in the production of our pieces is very crucial to ensure they comply with legal standards hence are accurate, safe and dependable. We utilize high precision CNC tokarenje techniques to make these complex designs and narrow tolerances on such parts which make them ideal for use in surgical instruments, diagnostic tools among others. It processes different types of materials including biocompatible metals matching the specific requirements of medicine. For the sake of safety and improved functions SLD Precision carries out CNC turning of medical device assemblies.
SLD preciznost is the dominant producer of high-quality computer numerical control (CNC) turning parts for industrial use calling for dependability and precision. Through the CNC machining they do, we ensure that accuracy and intricate details are achieved to facilitate different kinds of industrial machines’ functionalities. We focus on rugged CNC tokarenje parts that can endure heavy loads and abrasion since we understand how important reliability is. Our CNC turning services can be customized to satisfy your requirements whether you need general items or special pieces. The SLD Precision Prerađevina are great solutions for improving efficiency and productivity in any field.
SLD preciznost presents custom-made CNC spinning parts that are purposely made for the automotive and aerospace industries. Our CNC tokarenje processes can create intricate designs with complex geometry such that every aspect of your part is as per your demands. We work with various materials like strong alloy to produce components able to endure extreme situations without breaking. By being precise and efficient, we give you affordable CNC spinning solutions which improve the performance and longevity of your machine.
ShenzhenSLD preciznost Hardware Co.,Ltd was founded in 2018, We are specialized in cnc machining services and Sheet metal fabrication,CNC Parts,CNC Machining,Laser Cutting Service,Injection moldingOur company's advantage is that MOQ is 1 pcs and competitive price and fast delivery, We have YVM, Altitude, Rockwell hardness tester, Caliper, Roughness tester equipment to strictly control the product quality, In order to make sure the critical dimensions, we import our machines from the Germany and Japan. The minimum tolerance we can make is 0.01 millimeter.
Pridržavajući se poslovnog načela obostrane koristi, stekli smo pouzdanu reputaciju među našim kupcima zbog naših profesionalnih usluga, kvalitetePrerađevina and competitive prices. We have already built good business relationships with our customers in the United States, England, France, Germany, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Hungary, Australia, Poland and Switzerland.
Srdačno pozdravljamo kupce iz zemlje i inozemstva kako bismo zajedno uspostavili suradnju i stvorili svijetlu budućnost s nama.
Visoko precizna obrada složenih komponenti.
Koristi vrhunske CNC strojeve za vrhunske performanse.
Prilagođena rješenja koja zadovoljavaju specifične potrebe kupaca.
Rigorozno testiranje osigurava pouzdanost i trajnost.
Pojednostavljeni procesi smanjuju vrijeme isporuke i troškove.
Vrijeme isporuke za narudžbe prilagođenih CNC tokarskih dijelova u SLD Precision može varirati ovisno o složenosti dizajna i količini potrebnih dijelova. Obično nam je cilj dovršiti narudžbe u roku od 7-10 dana, zahvaljujući našem sveobuhvatnom CNC softveru i iskusnom inženjerskom timu. Za konkretnije rokove isporuke navedite detaljne specifikacije i količine kako bismo vam mogli dati točnu procjenu.
SLD Precision može prihvatiti hitne narudžbe za CNC tokarenje dijelova. Razumijemo važnost poštivanja kratkih rokova i opremljeni smo potrebnim resursima za ubrzanje proizvodnog procesa. Obratite nam se sa svojim specifičnim zahtjevima, a mi ćemo se potruditi da udovoljimo vašim hitnim potrebama.
SLD Precision je sposoban raditi sa širokim rasponom materijala za CNC tokarenje dijelova, uključujući razne metale, legure, pa čak i određene vrste plastike. Naše napredne mogućnosti CNC glodanja omogućuju nam glodanje složenih oblika i kontura u tim materijalima s visokom preciznošću. Navedite materijalne zahtjeve za svoj projekt, a mi ćemo osigurati da se koristi odgovarajući materijal.
Apsolutno, SLD Precision nudi razne mogućnosti površinske obrade CNC tokarenjskih dijelova kako bi se poboljšala njihova funkcionalnost i estetika. Ovi tretmani mogu uključivati eloksiranje, praškasto lakiranje, oplatu i još mnogo toga. Možemo razgovarati o najboljim mogućnostima površinske obrade na temelju vaše specifične primjene i željenog ishoda.
SLD Precision održava strogi sustav kontrole kvalitete kako bi osigurao najviše standarde za naše CNC tokarenje dijelova. To uključuje korištenje sofisticirane opreme i provođenje temeljitih inspekcija u svakoj fazi proizvodnog procesa. Također nudimo cijene u stvarnom vremenu i brzo vrijeme isporuke bez ugrožavanja kvalitete.